I had the opportunity to attend the Kansan's for Life banquet. The keynote speaker was Michael Clancy. He was the photographer that snapped the picture of an unborn child reaching out of the womb during a surgery and grabbed the surgeons finger. Long story short, this controversial picture led Clancy to lose all credibility as a journalist. He gained much more than he had "lost". Three months prior to taking this photo Clancy gave his life to Christ, asking Him to "use him as he saw fit". Wow. Clancy went from a publication with 23,000 viewers to being recognized worldwide. People on the other side of the world know his name, and his work, and more importantly, God used Clancy as He saw fit; He used him to shed light on the battle of life for unborn children. The mere fact that Clancy was in the room, at that exact moment, took the picture as clear as it was, was only a working by Divine Power. This event would seem impossible to anyone, yet, was made possible. At one point during his speech, I heard that little whisper. "And you think your situation is impossible? Look at what I did! Rest in knowing I will do whatever I want, Nothing is impossible." I serve an amazing God.
The next day on the radio, a woman called in. Her and the ladies of her church had a seemingly impossible request for God. I giggled to myself, and thought, this is going to be good, I wonder how He showed off again. These women prayed for a fellow sister's last dying wish to be granted. Not only did God grant the wish, He did it in an even bigger way then they could even imagine.
Don't we all do that. We have a set plan, a particular way we want our prayers answered. We think we know the perfect way things should, need, have to be. Problem is, at least for me, I have a very limited view. I think inside the box. Inside the rules, and limits of the world, society. God is not in a box! He can see far more than I could even comprehend. Good thing He is right there over my shoulder reminding me He can and will do the impossible. Reminding me that He will answer my prayers and the result will be an "out-of-box" one. One that I nor anyone else could ever think up.
Not sure if any of that makes sense, but I wanted to share some thoughts from the moment.. maybe I need to update more so I can put together something that flows better. This is a work in progress :)
In Love.
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