Friday, February 25, 2011

Emotional and Devotional

Friday morning's are my favorite part of the week for two reasons. One- I get to see the faces of some sweet, loving kids. I get to be blessed deeply by the unconditional love they have to give. They don't know who I am, or what I've done, or why I'm even there, but all they know is they have love to give. One in particular runs up and hugs me. For a moment, I think, wow, how great it is I get to bless her with this ministry we're providing, but no, oh no. SHE is the one who blesses ME. I feel as though she is a reminder, or a representation of God's love for us. God loves me no matter what I'm doing, where I am, what I've done. Just like this little girl. She runs up to me every time I see her with open arms and a smile. She doesn't know the difference. God loves me enough to send this little girl to remind me of this.

Friday mornings for me are many things. Since I have been going through this bible study by Beth Moore, friday mornings have become my vacation away from reality. It's my recharge time. It's something that, if I miss this part of my week, I feel disconnected. It's hard to explain. Nonetheless, this friday morning was no different. I felt so on fire, and overflowed with the Holy Spirit when I left. We talked about God's love. How our love for Him should be emotional and devotional. Any other time this wouldn't have stuck out to me, but they actually, in a weird way, answered something for me.

Let's go back a few weeks. A couple Sundays ago I left service at Spring Hill. I got in my car, turned on Chris Tomlin. I turned on to the highway, and started to cry. Okay, not cry, I bawled. Let's be honest here, I was afraid for my life because I could not see the road with all the tears. I could not help it, my heart was overflowing with joy, with happiness, with love. I had no control over what was happening.

I think this is what Beth meant by emotional. I was overwhelmed by the emotion caused from the love I have for Jesus Christ. I've heard that it's impossible to feel His love, or have that "in-love" feeling with God. That it's more of a "devotional" love. Well, believe, you, me. IT IS POSSIBLE. I have never felt more in love with anyone or anything else. Not even another human being. I felt the emotions that we as humans feel when we are in love. And they were so much greater. If that isn't proof enough that my existence on this Earth is FIRST and FOREMOST to glorify and love Him, I don't know what is.

Our love should be emotional and devotional. I was confused about why I couldn't hold it together whenever I thought about Him. But now I know, it's okay. I should be confused if I didn't feel that way.

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