Tonight, at church, we had our Tenebrae Service. Simple, yet powerful. Later, that night I watched the Passion of the Christ. They were both such great reminders of the significance of today. I am embarrassed to say this but that was the first time the entire day I had actually thought about exactly what Jesus did for ME. The pain, the suffering, the beating, the ridicule... all for me. I feel so unworthy. When I think about God sending His only son, to die for me and my sins, I get so overwhelmed. I get overwhelmed with sadness. I cried, a lot, thinking about it. In quiet times, I was reminded to not be sad. Jesus, His son, died so that we can have salvation and victory through Him. I was then overwhelmed with joy realizing I have a SAVIOR! and not only do I have Savior, but I can do ALL things through HIM!
With the events that took place in the last couple weeks, now more than ever, I have a heart over flowing with thanks. It's a list impossible to write.
Thank You, Jesus, for the many blessings you have bestowed upon me, and most of all, thank you for enduring the pain so that our sins may be forgiven, and any and all battles I may face in Your name are considered triumphs.